Saturday, October 16, 2010

Boost Juice Alert!!

So after talking about it yesterday I actually had a boost juice! Granted it was a kids size, but yum!! I was anxious before it and during it, thinking that I didn't need it and it wasn't my normal muesli bar blah blah. But I finished that damn thing and enjoyed it! I love berries at any time; I make my own smoothies when I'm at home so why are there different rules for Boost? Doesn't make sense!! I even got a free one since I must have had it quite a bit at the start of the year :)

Apart from that my day was uneventful. I just made myself have supper- last night I was craving Cheerios for some odd reason. Today I bought and they were yum; actually there's fear food number 2 down! It was easier knowing that I needed the calories since I did body balance and went on the eliptical today.

Tomorrow will be harder to justify eating so much since I'm out with friends and the gym closes early on a Sunday. But I'll do it because the more I do now the easier it will be later! I can't avoid eating although my ED would love me to :( But I damn well aren't going to let it win! I win. Full stop.

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