About my ED history

Where to start?
I believe I started displaying ED behaviours when I was about 9 or 10. I would go on ridiculous orange diets. It doesn't help that my best friend asked my year 4 teacher if we were fat and she said yes.  I was bullied at the school I was at from six to the ago of fifteen.
I'm 22 and this has been my hell for the past 10 years. Not something I'm proud of. I have binged, purged, taken laxatives, compulsively over-exercised, restricted calories, lost half my body weight,take dieuretics; you name it I've done it and it isn't something I'm proud of. It makes this whole recovery business a lot harder because I get on top of one symptom and another pops up. It's like I can never win. I have been in and out of  hospital since August 2007, when I was in a public hospital when I was first diagnosed and my family first found out. Since June 2008 I have been bouncing in and out of a private psych hospital, which has helped me so much. At my lowest point I wouldn't keep water down, now I have the opposite problem too much diet coke, But I'm slowly getting there and I'm working hard. In that time I've finished year 12, had  a gap year where I've worked, moved out of home to uni for a year and a half (a time in which I learnt many valuable lessons..) and moved back home to the support of my family where I am working for Dad until I go back to uni next year. The ED is still there, it still roars in my head but I am slowly learning to turn down the volume and stop listening to the thoughts and disbelieve them.
I am determined to beat this disease; I have wonderful support. I have learnt the value of true friends and family and am in the processing of learning how to rely on them. Life is too precious to wait and the reality is this disease kills; I refuse to be another statistic!